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Always wanted to investigate an haunted school? Now's your chance click on the picture to take you to our friend Don
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Please get permission before entering any of these places. Some of these places has
no trespassing signs and ghost hunting is not worth going to jail for.
Barbour County
Hanging Rock - In the early 1900's
the church along the road was a preacher who killed himself.
Berkeley County
Cacapon State Park- Appiriton
has been seen on the park.
Berkeley Springs Castle- The
most haunted room is the Colonels Suit on the 2nd floor. Loud crashes, sometimes furniture moved around, footstep sounds when
no one is there, laughter of children. Only British-Norman Style Castle in America.
Boydville Mansion - Reported Activity.
Darksville Church- Locals say
that during a church service one sunday morning in the winter time the roof collapsed and killed some people inside from
heavy snow. Today its abandoned but you can still hear voices coming from the old church.
Edgewood Manor - Appritions sighted, voices heard, and other strange noises
Hammond Mansion- During the Civil
War some woman were burned inside of this old ruin mansion and they say they still roam the ruins. Caution,
this is falling down.
Kings Daughters Court Hospital- It
was built in 1797 as a prison. All kinds of activity has been recorded. Appritions has also been seen as well.
Spring Mills Plantation- A phantom
Civil War Soldier has been spotted numerous times here.
The Old Mill - Lights have been
seen in the second and third floor and reports of appritions has been spotted here.
The Poor House- Used to be a small
mental ward hospital. Appritions of civil war soldiers on the property.
Tomahawk Presbyterian Church Cemetery- Activity
has been reported.
Wheeler Mansion- This is a very
active location, Appritions have been seen, voices heard, foot step sounds all the time.
Braxton County
Flatwoods- In 1952 ontop of Fishers
Hill is the location of the Flatwoods Monster.
Brooke County
Bethany Cemetery- Reports of appritions
seen in the graveyard. The grave dates back to the late 1700's.
Bethany College- Phillips
Hall is reported to have a ghost by the name of Sarah. She hung herself in the attic of Phillips Hall. Things would come up
missing and then reappear later on.
Vancroft-Vandergrift Mansion- Woman
hung herself in the stable when she found out her husban had an affair with another woman. She susposedly haunts the location.
Cabell County
5th Street Hill - A young female
spirit can be seen at this location standing near a bridge in this area.
Barboursville- On Childers
Run Road a young boy susposedly had died from drowning during a flood. He has been seen walking along the road.
Colonial Lanes- Several instances
of voices, the feeling of a presence, footsteps, and images in photographs.
Frederick Hotel- Strange noises,
voices heard and footstep sounds. Susposedly haunted by several ghosts.
General Jenkins Plantation- General
Albert G. Jenkins residence. Activity throughout the house, including sightings of figures , feelings of not being alone or
being watched, footsteps, impressions as if a figure was lying on furniture.
Green Bottom Cemetery- This cemetery
is a paranormal hot spot, with EVP'S and ghosts being a common sight.
Keith Albee Theater- Reports of
a female apprition has been seen.
Mountaineer Opry House - When your
on the stage you can often hear strange sounds and voices.
River Park Hospital - The ghost
of a nurse still going about her duties has been seen.
Spring Hill Cemetary- Susposedly a
very active location.
Western Regional Jail- This Jail
was built in 2003 after moving a family cemetery to make room for this jail, some of the strange happenings include strange
noises and opening of doors.
William L. Grimes D.D.S. Inc- Reports
has it that a young girl died at this location from natural causes. Shes been seen here roaming around.
Calhoun County
Grantsville- A peddler was murdered
close to the Betts Farm and ever since strange things started occuring in the Betts Home.
Fayette County
Babcock State Park - A woman murdered
in the park haunts the location. Her spirit has been seen.
Big Sewell Mountain- Site of one
of the largest Civil War Battles ever fought. Sightings of a ghostly Drummer Boy and the sounds of a drum being played.
Blume Haven Inn- There are 2 recorded deaths in the Inn. One is believed to be that of the former owner himeself who haunts the
Glen Ferris Inn- The apprition
of a Confederate Soldier dressed like an officer has been seen.
Kingston Elementary School- Several
ghosts rumored to haunt this abandoned location. Footsteps heard, children laughing.
Old City Hall in Montgomery- Footsteps
heard upstairs,and other strange noises occured. Its believed to be that of the former Fireman-In-Charge.
Pax Cemetary- A woman has been
seen wandering the graveyard. Reports says that she died in Washinton from child birth complications and was brought back
to where she lived before which is in the Pax Cemetary location.
Plum Orchard Lake - Young female
spirit has been seen.
Ratliff Hall - Noises
of footsteps can be heard and doors will slam shut.
Whipple Company Store - voices heards and other strange sounds.
Setup Your Investigation Here (Whipple Coal Company Store)
Gilmer County
Glenville State College Clark Hall and Louis Bennett Hall -
a female spirit has been seen walking the halls and even visit some residents in Louis Bennett Hall.
Glenville State College Pickens Hall - Strange
Noises heard. Dark shadow figures are seen walking through the main lobby.
Grant County
Van Meter's Farm - Reports of the
headless ghost of Van Meter searches for his lost head.
Greenbrier County
Federal Prison Camp Alderson- The
Davis Hall of the prison is where employee's has heard voices and other such strange sounds coming from.
General Lewis Inn- This is a very
active location. Voices heard, cold spots, appritions seen.
Greenbriar Hotel- This swanky
5 diamond hotel has been a site for the rich, and many political figures over the years. And is said to have a few ghost that
can be seen roaming the confines of the hotel.
John Second North House- A young woman was deeply in love with a soldier, her parents sent her to stay with relatives in the
John Second North House. She stayed in her room alone very depressed. During a visit to her parents house for Christmas, She
saw her soldier and he promised to come to Lewisburg and see her. He came to see her but was only allowed to speak to her
on the street. After he left he paid children to send flowers to her everyday. He was never able to come again. And in misery
and pain, she hung herself in the only closet in the house. Since then the owners of the house had various complaints of smelling
flowers, seeing a female ghost, One owner of the house grew so disturbed at the sounds coming from the closet that he boarded
it up.
Lewisburg- Witness's have reported
a phantom army appear in the sky and march west. Witness's said all the soldiers were wearing the same white uniforms.
Lewisburg Courthouse- From murderers,
to rapists, were tried in this place and sentenced . You can hear horrifying moans coming from the court house.
Maysville Market- Footstep sounds
when no one is there, things get rearranged by themselves, lights go off and on when the circuit is turned off, telephone
unplugged and rang.
Sam Black Church- is where the
grave site of Zona Heaster Shue lies. Zona died one evening, and her husband reported she fell down the stairs. Her mother
never believed the story and prayed that Zona would come to her and tell her the truth. Two weeks after her death, Zona appeared
to hermother and said that her husband pushed her down the stairs. The husband of course said she had simply just fallen.
This manifestation of Zona to her mother brought about the arrest and conviction of the husband.You can read about the case
of Edward Shue in old newspapers in Lewisburg, and on the Internet. According to Case's Comment,this is the only case in the
United States where a man has been convicted of murder on the testimony of a ghost.
Hampshire County
Peterkin Religious Retreat Gravity Hall - Back
in the 70's, a preacher died of a heart attack in this room while getting up to use the bathroom.
Hancock County
Weirton Medical Center - Appritions have been seen right along with voices
and medical equipment turning on by themselves.
Weirton Steel Mill- The steel industry has claimed many lives over the years, many of which
by extremely traumatic means. Today some of those workers still roam the plant.
Hardy County
Maslin-Gamble Mansion-
There has been reports of activity going on at the home like voices heard when no one is around.
Lost River State Park- There has
been the ghost of Charles Sagers who was murdered in the historic Lee Cabin and now haunts it.
Harrison County
Cunningham Massacre- A small,
but a very bloody war took place here.
Deegan Lake- Reports of a male
ghost roaming near the dam area.
Flinderation Tunnel- We've had alot of activity go on there. We actually heard kids talking and what sounds like adults talking,
when its none of us. It wasn't any of us. We go check to see if anyone is around and no one is there. I had the back of my
hair pulled on once. We caught alot of EVP's there. We enjoy going there.
Harden Elementary School- The
ghost of Hattie Harden who was a former principle here has been numerous times.
Meadowbrooke Tunnel- This tunnel
we investigated and picked up a female singing. There is suspose to be a little girl who was killed on the tracks while riding
her bicycle. Voices are often heard out loud.
Waldomore Hotel- There is reports
of activity at this old hotel in downtown Clarksburg. There is also reports of someone who hung themself in one of the rooms.
Watters Smith State Park- Reports
of active in the old Smith Home.
Jackson County
Grasslick Road - Witnesses report
hearing children’s screams, and sometimes late in the evening. This is location
of the Greene Murders.
Ravenswood Theater- There is an
apprition that has been spotted, reports believe it to be the man who died in a fire that broke out in the attic.
Jefferson County
Charles Town Courthouse- This
is the location of where John Brown was sentenced to be hung. His spirit has also been seen here as well.
Charles Town Junior High School- Rumors
has it that its haunted by a former janitor. A young boy died on the school grounds and you can here him laugh and run around.
Charles Washington Inn- Lights
go off and on, doors slam shut by themselves, locked doors found opened by themselves, vases turned over. A young girl named
Emily has been seen. She died in the "Pink Room". A window that cant be cleaned cause it has a constant childs hand print
on it all the time.
Claymont Mansion - Built by George Washington's grand nephew. After a
fire destroyed the interior in 1838 , it was rebuilt. Spirit of a wrongly hanged servant haunts the grounds.
Elmwood Cemetery- Over 200 civil
war soldiers are buried in the cemetary. Ghostly apparitions dressed in old Civil War uniforms have been seen in the cemetery
and surrounding grounds.
Duffields- Along Duffield Railroad
Tracks, there is an old abandoned home that belong to a young girl named Jenny. Story goes she received word her husban died
and she went running down the tracks not hearing or seeing train come and it killed her. Screams and other noises has been
reported from this location.
Harpers Ferry Camp Hill- Reports of Phantom Fife's and Drums heard on this location.
Harpers Ferry Kennedy Farmhouse- Reports
of foot step sounds, people going up and down the stairs when no one is there,sounds of people talking, breathing and snoring.
Harpers Ferry Railroad - In the
1833 a woman named Jenny lived in a shack near the tracks and she caught on fire by accident in her little home and ran out
screaming down the tracks before she was burned alive.
Harper House- This is the oldest
standing structure left at Harpers Ferry. Rachel Harpers friend Hamilton died in this home. Rachel
susposedly fell from a ladder and died at this location. Alot of strange event and an apprition of a female seen here.
Harpers Ferry St. Peters Catholic Church - Many
people have seen a priest by the name of Father Castello outside of the church that was built in 1833 and several
people have heard the screams of soldiers.
Harpers Ferry The Fire Engine Room- John Browns Ghost has been seen in this building. He was a fiery abolitionist that was convicted
and hung in 1859 somewhere in the area.
Harper's Ferry Town - Numerous spirits
throughout the town.
Hilltop Hotel - Apparitions of soldiers
marching throughout the hotel and the grounds.
Hog Alley - Apparition of Dangerfield Newby still wonders Hog Alley.
The Old Opera House - Built in 1910 and is rumored to be haunted
by several ghosts.
Shepherd College Gardiner Hall- Strange
noises and voices heard. Witnesses say a woman died at this location.
Shepherd College Kenamond Hall - A
ghost of a little boy who likes to play with the tv and other electronical equipment. Voices have been heard. An apprition
has been seen in the basement of this building.
Shepherd College Miller Hall- Reports
of a cloudy mist seen, things dissappearing and reappearing, strange noises, water faucets turning on by themselves. A young
girl susposedly hung herself in the attic.
Shepherd College Shaw Hall - Reports
has it there was a cemetery there that ran along the edge of the school property. There is a woman that stands at the windows
at the ends of the dorm floors.
Shepherd College Turner Hall- A
ghost by the name of George susposedly haunts this location.
Wager House- Located next to the
Harper House in Harpers Ferry. Now known as the Park Library. Appritions has been spotted numerous times.
Kanawha County
Alum Creek- The alum creek cemetery
sits behind the Alum Creek Missionary Baptist Church. Several people have witnessed an elderly gentleman wandering aimlessly
seemingly confused. When approached he disappears.
Cabin Creek Quilt Shop- This location
has alot of history and eyewitness's even say a ghost as well.
Capital High School Theater - The
theater of Capital High School is haunted by an unknown specter. Students and faculty have reported feeling a presence, often
while working late to prepare for school productions. If you are quiet, you can hear footsteps walking across the stage leading
into the workshop. The most common strange occurance is the mysterious dimming of lights, even when the sound booth is locked
and no one is in there. No one knows for sure who or what haunts the theater.
Capitol Plaza Theatre - This theatre was built in 1909 on the site of the old Welch Mansion that had stood there since 1798. The theatre
still houses some of the family that once lived in the mansion. The former theatre where "Mountain Stage" was recorded. The
most prolific ghost here is that of John Welch. He was the son of the man who built the house and heir to the Welch fortune.
John is very sneaky and likes to play around with peoples minds. He is quite protective of the place and of the actors who
frequent the stage. Another ghost, not quite as active, is known as Molly Welch. She was John's youngest daughter who died
of pneumonia in 1840 around the age of eight. She is very shy, but sometimes when an actor is standing on stage, she can be
seen sitting in the front row of the balcony.
Charleston Train Depot- Susposedly
very active site. From the reports.
Civic Center - there has been reports of voice heard and footstep sounds
when no one is there.
Dunlop Hollow- A black woman was
hanged at campsite # 35. She has been seen roaming.
Fresh Seafood Company Market and Restaurant- Appiritions has been seen.
Along with other strange noises and voices have been heard.
Nitro Street Bridge- In 2001 a vagrant
man got drunk and somehow ended up burning to death underneath the bridge on the Saint Albans side. Since that day in early
January he has been seen wondering around that area.
Office Building 205 Capitol Street- was
the Woolworth's five and dime. There was a horrible fire in March of 1949 and seven firefighters were killed. It is said that
you can still see some of the firefighters walking the halls of the building.
Potters Cemetary- Reports of an
Apprition has been seen at this location.
Shelton College- Sightings of
a Woman In Pink has been spotted numerous.
Spring Hill Cemetary Park- Reported
activity going on here from eyewitness's. More details about the location to come.
State Capitol Building- many sightings
of a woman and a maintenance man who died of a heart attack. A lot of employee's have reported seeing them.
Sunrise Mansion and Carriage Trail-
This was built by Gov. MacCorkle in the 1800's it sits on a hill that overlooks the city of Charleston. Gov. MacCorkle's ghost
has been seen by numerous people and employees in and around the museum. Also the graves of two unidentified women are there
as well, the young women were found murdered on the grounds, and are said to still be seeking revenge to this day.
The Hale House - is a historical
site located near Cabin Creek, WV. A married couple lived in the house with his uncle, The husband was abusive and was murdered
one night. After an investigation no one was charged, the man is still seen roaming the grounds seeking justice.
Thomas Memorial Hospital- When
patients pass away strange light anomalies has been seen numerous times.
University of Charleston Geary Student Union Riggleman Hall
- Reports of feeling strange presences, strange noises, voices and shadows have been reported by
students and staff alike. Riggleman Hall is known for seeing the ghost of a young girl who commited suicide after discovering
she was pregnant.
Lewis County
Weston State Hospital- Very active
location. Reports of full body appritions seen, children heard, and adult voices heard as well, doors slamming shut and opening
up. There is a Civil War section that susposedly has a civil war soldier spotted in the area.

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Lincoln County
Piney Bottom- is the location for
numerous sightings of a headless man
Slone Cemetery - There is the ghost
of a woman who comes up behind you and blows on your ears.
Logan County
Logan- The
ghost of Mame Thurman has been seen. Her body was discovered on a mountain where she was murdered and shot twice at close
Solitude Farm- This is a very
active location. There is a Civil War Soldier who has been seen in the home, footsteps sounds, voices heard. There is suspose
to be more then 1 ghost that haunts the location.
Marion County
Barrackville- On Straits Run Road
in 1949 a 3- year old girl was being attacked and badly bitten by a dog and some drive byers saw the incident jumped out grabbed
the dog and took it to a large flat rock near by and mutilated the dog. Ever since appritions of the dog has been seen in
the area.
Benton's Ferry- Mournful chanting
has been heard. Murdered slaves march in a ghostly procession.
Caroline Business Center- Footstep
sounds, doors opening and closing like someone went through them. When we investigated this place, we had alot of strange
activity going. We already have permission to go back again this year.
Grant Town Mine- 6 miners were
killed here and all six were spotted walking with red lanterns past some workers who was working there towards
the South Main Section.
Mannington - The witches grave on
highland. Many sightings of the witches and warlocks have been seen.
Number 6 & 8 Mines- In 1907
the mines exploded and killed 362 in #6 and 367 in #8 and 12 horses were killed. Not to long after this incident the mines
were reopened and the new miners kept reporting they were hearing the sounds of horses galloping coming down the tunnel.
Pricketts Fort Homestead- The
Prickets Homestead House, witness's have reported seeing a female apprition standing upstairs starring out a window. Footstep
noises on the 2nd floor and going down the stairs. Note this is not the real location of the Pricketts
Fort. No one knows where its real location is at.
Pricketts Fort Meeting Hall- Strange noises have been heard inside the building.
Rivesville- On certain dark
stormy nights out of nowhere comes a dark horse and a rider with no head on US 19. Numerous sightings of this apprition has
been spotted. Fairmont never did have an civil war battles but a small skirmish was fought there on April 29,1863. The objective
was to raid and destroy as much of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad as possible and to collect as many horses and cattle as
they could to feed the chronically short Confederate Army. From eyewitness's they seem to believe this might be the how the
dark horse and headless man came to.
The Old Depot- In 1915 a man working
for the railroad was decapitated at the location. Not to long after reports came in see his ghost.
Vinegar Hill - Many years ago some
brothers made cider on this hill and sold it to a large Inn used by the railroad men and cattlemen who passed through fairmont.
On one stormy night a bolt of lighting struck close to the men who were hauling cider and it scared the mule's pulling their
wagon causing the mules to stop suddenly throwing the men off and a barrel of cider. A heavy barrel of cider trapped
one of the men. They were all drunk from sampling cider all day and not thinking clearly, one of the men pushed the barrel
since it was to heavy to pick up causing the barrel to roll over top of the guy crushing him to death.
Marshall County
Moundsville Prison- Built in the
late 1800's and closed in 1995. This prison harvested some of the worst criminals in America. There were hangings, murders,
and executions that took place on the prison grounds. There has been reports of appritions seen, voices and foot steps heard,
doors slamming shut, being touched etc. Very active place.
Click on image below to book your investigation
at the famous Moundsville Prison in WVa!

Mason County
Boys Industrial School- Activity
such as footsteps doors slamming and voices heard here.
Lakin State Hospital- This location
was torn down a few years ago. But the activity might still remain on the grounds. Get Permission
to enter first.
Lowe Hotel- This
hotel is probably the most haunted hotel in West Virginia. There is activity all through the hotel.
Plumly Mansion -
There was a woman that got thrown in a well by her husband. Now she susposedly haunts
the location. There was also a black man who hung himself on the 2nd floor. This place is abandoned.
Get permission and take caution.
Point Pleasant Munitions Dump- This
is the famous location of where numerous eyewitness's has seen the Mothman.
Point Pleasant T.N.T. area - The
U.S. military used to make explosives there during World War II. This is the location where sightings of the infamous Mothman
have occurred. The first sighting was here at the old North Power Plant, now torn down in the mid 90's.
McDowell County
Sandy Huff Hollow Road - Susposedly
activity in this area.
War Annex Gym- A woman reportedly
hung herself in the girls bathroom and ever since strange events has been witnessed.
Mercer County
Airport- Strange unexplainable
events have been witnessed by others. A plane crash close to the airport killed a few people.
Bluefield State College Mahood Hall - A
young girl has been spotted in the old hallways and basement of the hall.
Bluefield State College Mahood Hall - A
young girl has been spotted in the old hallways and basement of the hall.
Concord College - Reports
of an apparitions presence.
Lake Shawnee- Sightings of a little
girl, voices heard. There were alot of indians who lives in the area. Strange anomalies showing up on camera. Very active
Mavis Manor - Appritions seen, footsteps heards. The Breezy Seaside Themed
SS Montauk is the mosted haunted room in the Manor.
Woodlawn Memorial Park- In the
old section of the cemetary there has been voices heard and appritions seen.
Wade Elementary School - Different
sightings has been reported. Children running down the halls. There has been a few people killed at Wade.
Woodlawn Cemetery- couple appritions
has been spotted.
Mineral County
The Old Stone House- Built in
1815 this place served as a prison and a hospital. There has been reports of strange things happening.
Mingo County
Codger Town- Guyandotte River
Bridge is where the ghostly wagon and horses of a pioneer family were killed and have been heard.
Williamson Memorial Hospital - Reports of appritions seen.
Monongalia County
Cheat Lake- In the early 1970's,
2 female students were walking and were picked up and they had their heads decapitated.
Clarion Hotel Morgan- This Historic
Hotel has alot of history. In Room 314 a little girl susposedly died from drowning in the bathtub and people who stay in that
room hear her.
East Moore Hall - Elizabeth Moores
apprition has been spotted hovering over the pool.
Gobblers Knob- There is a very old graveyard in an old hollow known as Gobblers Knob. A
man in the back corner of the yard in a heavy blue coat with a rifle has been reported here on multiple occasions.
Morgantown Public Library - The
public library employees have reported an apprition.
Pierpont Apartments - Reports of shadows, voices and objects appearing
and disappearing.
Seneca Center- This used to be
an old Glass Factory and was converted into a small shopping center. Where the loading docks are. There has been reports of
the doors opening and closing when no one is there right along with other weird strange noises.
Warner Theater- There is reports
of a very lively active spirit roaming the building. Also, there is reports that a body was found in the theater years ago.
West Run Road & Cemetery- believed
to be an active haunted location.
WVU Beta Theta Pi Beta Psi Chapter- Residents
have reported strange sounds in a lower part of the house. A former resident hung himself there.
WVU Boreman Hall- is an all girls
dorms. Reports of an apprition has been seen. Strange noises coming from the attic and the females would be awaken in the
middle of the night by the vocie of a female screaming.
WVU library- The older section of
the library people have heard doors opening and closing without anyone being seen. The side desk areas also seem to be heavily
occupied as writing can be heard from empty desks. Apparitions have also been seen.
Monroe County
Courthouse- Voices have been heard
an appritions has been seen.
Sweet Springs Sanitarium- Very
brutal history. Sounds of voices heard, appritions been spotted, being touched.
Morgan County
Dutch Cemetery - Samuel Crawford's spirit has
been seen standing above his grave by 2 men in 1888 in the Dutch Cemetery.
Nicholas County
Laurel Road- A man was killed on
this road and witness's have reported seeing him.
Peters Creek Valley- An apprition
of a Yankee Soldier and his dog walking behind the soldier has been spotted numerous times. This is also known as the "Haunted
Veterans Memorial Park- Reports
of an apprition has been seen roaming around.
Ohio County
Capitol Music Hall - Ghosts are
said to haunt the theater.
Main Street Bridge- There are
2 ghosts that has been spotted, they were reported to have died accidently around the bridge area.
Monument Place- Claims of the
former owner Mrs. Lydia has been seen right along with other spirits. People have heard sounds on the 2nd floor
National Road- This is an active
area. Sounds of cannon fire from the road has been heard right along with gunfire and voices. Civil War battle took place
in this area.
Old Fire Department - Strange events
has occured here like voices heard doors opening and shutting for no apparent reason.
Peninsula Cemetery- There
have been numerous reports of paranormal activity.
Roney Point Hospital- Used to
be a T.B. Hospital. Its been closed for years and is abandoned. Reports of activity range from voices, footsteps and
full appritions.
Tunnel Green - said to be haunted
by a man from the 1900's who was killed by a train.
Pendleton County
Seneca Caverns - There has been
voices heard from one of the caverns.
Pocahontas County
Camp Price- People heard sounds
of marching feet.
Cass Scenic Railroad- Reports
of appritions seen and voices heard.
Denmar State Hospital- reports
of footstep sounds and voices heard when no one is there upwards of 1000 African-American men and women died from tuberculosis.
Droop Mountain Battlefield - On
occasions sitting on the barrel of the cannon is a soldier. There has also a full calvary marching in mid air. We would like to hear about experiences at this location.
Droop Mountain Rangers Station- Strange
occurances here.
Preston County
Civic Center- Sounds of foot steps
has been heard when no one is there.
Hopemont State Hospital-The front part of the hospital, the old section, is said to be the home of the
spirits of both male and female patients. The second floor purportedly has a lot of activity because it was the surgery ward
for TB patients.
Kingwood Public Library- Employee's
have reported books flying off the shelves, heard strange noises, doors opening and closing by themselves, footsteps are heard.
Mingo Cemetery - Strange occurances
here but good audio picked up here.
West Point - Apparitions of a little
girl have been reported.
Putnam County
Eleanor House- Its now used as
an office complex, but strange activity has been reported. More details to come.
McCausland Home- Strange
noises and footsteps heard.
Battle of Scary Creek- In
St.Albans/Teay's Valley in 1861 Battle Of Scary Creek broke out. Three weeks after the battle people reported hearing the
sounds of gun fire, screams, strange lights hovering around the battlefield.
Raleigh County
Beckley Courthouse - Reports of
a woman who likes to appear in the jurors room.
Beckley Junior High
- Students and faculty have made claims of loud footsteps going past them in the hallway when no
other person was present, unexplainable whispers and murmurs and water faucets turning on and off in the restrooms for no
apparent reason.
Sandstone Ghost Lights- The ghost light originated during the Civil War, in an area that was made
up of Confederate supporters.
Soldiers Memorial Theater -
There are concerts held at this location and if you go wondering off you will see
what appears to be a shadow of a person following you. Main haunt is a man in his 60's dressed in
a 1930's style suit. Heard the sound of a saxaphone being played. Appritions seen
Southern Communications Building - appritions has been seen.
Trap Hill Fire Department- Some fireman have
reported the spirit of an old fireman who died in a fire there.
Randolph County
Davis & Elkins College Graceland House - Also
known as Graceland-Halliehurst Mansion, susposedly haunt by a slave who was beaten to death an buried in the house somewhere.
Noises, feelings of being watched and followed.
Davis & Elkins College Hallie Hurst House -
Construction began on the mansion aronud 1890. Most common activity is noises. The employee's believe
it to be Hallie. Reports of women voices, objects dissappearing and then reappearing.
Graceland Inn- Reports of a ghostly
girl has been seen, its said that shes the daughter of the former town founder.
Rich Mountain Battlefield- Witness's
have reported hearing voices, gunfire and even appritions at this location.
Ritchie County
Mystic Manor B & B - Reported Activity.
North Bend State Park - Reports
of a woman who was accidently killed at Tunnel 19.
Oxbow- There is ruins of an old
home in this location and a woman has been seen in this house. When someone goes in there is no one in there.
Silver Run Tunnel- A woman in
a white dress has been seen.
Roane County
Spencer State Hospital - Activity
all through the building, moans, voices heard, dorms slamming shut, appritions spotted. Very Active Location. Could be a health
hazard wear a protective mask.
Steel Hollow Cave- Reports of
a woman who smothered her child to death in this cave and witnesses have reported hearing a babys cry and even seen
the mother walking around.
Summers County
Great Bend Tunnel - The ghost of
John Henry haunts this tunnel . Roughly 1 out of every 10 men died here. Several men did lose their
lives here. Reports says they are not sure where John Henry died at.
Pence Springs Resort - Built in 1918. During the 1950's-1970's it was
used as the state womens prison. Now used as the Greenbrier Academy for Girls. Appritions has been spotted in the building.
Pipestem Resort- Witness's of
a ghostly figure riding a horse has been seen.
Tucker County
Darkish Knob- Served as an underground
railroad. A young girl accidently killed herself.
Tyler County
Greenwood Cemetery- Reports of
strange feelings noises heard and even an apprition seen.
The Wells Inn - Guests and staff
report the sounds of footsteps down the halls occasionally a door that opens or closes. Room 324 susposedly refuses to open.
Upshur County
Macedonia Road - A ghost is seen
there in the road.
Mount Lebanon Road - A young boy
was accidently killed at this location about 90 years ago.
Wayne County
Ransdell House - Susposedly haunted
by Civil War slaves and soldiers. This house was used as the Underground Railroad. You can hear chains rattling at night and
can hear soldiers talking. Doors close by themselves and light go on and off.
Wetzel County
Doolin Run- Site of the Jennings
Gang. There has been reports thats the spirit of the Jennings Gang roam the hills. Foxhunters claim they have seen silhouettes
of the gang members as they moved along the ridges.
Wood County
13 & Avery & Quincy Hill- Doors
slamming shut, voices heard, footsteps running up the basement and an apprition was seen.
916 Juliana Street- Reports of
a strange woman who looks out from the upstairs in the front of the house when nobody is home.
Ambrose Hill- Apprition of a Black
figure that looks like a man.
Ann Street- 10 year old girl named
Bessie Bartlett died in the home from Scarlett Fever. Strange events has happened.
Art Center- The theater was destroyed
in a fire in 1928. At the time the theater had some ghostly inhabitants which afterwards roamed the land searching for a new
place to haunt. At the Art Center and in other buildings on the city block where the theater once stood people have smelled
hot buttered popcorn and have noticed heavy objects being lifted and falling over as if they were picked up and dropped by
unseen hands.
Bickel Estates- Reports of a woman standing outside close to the road.
Blennerhasset Hotel - Voices heard
and appritions spotted throughout the hotel. It was owned by the same owners of the Mansion on the Island.
Blennerhassett Island - Reports
says that the former owner Margret has been spotted in the mansion. Strange noises has been heard as well.
Blennerhassett Museum- Third floor
susposedly has 2 different ghosts roaming around. One is a little old man in a straw hat, the second is a woman.
Boreman Wheel House - There is reports of a male apprition thats been
seen in the basement.
Camden Clark Hospital- Apprition
of a female nurse named Mrs. Blumbit shes spotted on the 2nd and 5th floor. East wing has an apprition of a former patient.
DeSales Heights School - Voices
of young children and their appritions seen. This used to be an old Catholic School, But its been torn down. Susposedly
a very activity location.
Eaton Tunnel- Reports of foot
steps, gravel shuffling around, and voices heard.
Quincy Park- Stairway leading
down to Avery Street has had an apprition of a Shawnee Indian about half way down the steps.
Riverview Cemetery - All kinds of
activity. The Weeping Woman Statue is here. Appritions have been spotted right along with voices.
Smoot Theater- Built in 1926.
Shadows has been spotted right along with unexplainable noises as well.
Southside K-Mart - A womans voice has been heard. There was suspose to
have been a fire that took place in a home that k-mart now stands at and its believe to be a woman that died in the fire.
St. Josephs Hospital - In the South
section of the hospital there has been reports of a ghost.
Trans Allegheny bookstore - This location susposedly has 5 different spirits
that haunt the bookstore . Appritions has been seen, voices heard, book being moved. This is the largest used and
new bookstore in WV
Click on image below to book your investigation
at the old 1907 Trans Allegheny Bookstore in Parkersburg WVa!

Wyoming County
Bud Mountain- This is the location
of where Berg Hammond has been heard playing his music.
Pineville Elementary School - It's
said that a janitor got stuck in the boiler room of the school and he got burned alive. He's been spotted walking the hallways.
Road Branch Grade School- Reports
of doors opening and closing, voices heard, commode's flushing when no one is around. There is also reports that 2 men hung
themselves on the grounds of where the school is at.
Twin Falls State Park- Reports
of activity on the park grounds. As soon as we get more details of the activity we will post it out.
More to come...
If you have any local investigations
you want us to add here, e-mail them to me and we'll post them out.
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